Research Student Profiles

Mr LIU, Yiming
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of Study: PhD
Field of Study: Digital Citizenship, Serious Games, Learning and Assessment
Research Topic: An innovative approach for assessing collaborative problem solving skills through serious games
Email Address:
Office: Room 219, Runme Shaw Building
About Me:
M.A. in Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature, Jinan University
Current Research:
My research interests include learning analytics, educational data mining, and game-based assessment. Currently, my work has two research foci: (a) To assess collaborative problem solving skills in a digital game, and (b) To explore self-regulated learning processes in an asynchronous online course.
Primary Supervisor: Professor HU, Xiao
Co-supervisor(s): Professor LAW, Nancy W Y
Research Outputs:
Sun, C.-Y., & Liu, Y*. (in press). The Mediation Effect of Goal Setting and Task Strategies on the Relationship Between Engagement and Cognitive Load in an Online Course with Smart Instant Feedback. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (*corresponding author).
Liu, Y., Sun, C-Y., & Chen, S-K. (2021). Comparing technology acceptance of AR-based and 3D map-based mobile library applications: a multigroup SEM analysis. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: []
Awards and Prizes:
Erik Duval Scholarship in LASI, awarded by Society for Learning Analytics Research, 2021
Student Travel Award for Attending ICALT, awarded by IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technologies, 2021
Postgraduate Scholarship, awarded by The University of Hong Kong, 2019-2023
Outstanding Postgraduate Scholarship, awarded by National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 2017-2018
Excellent Postgraduate Scholarship, awarded by National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 2016-2017