Research Student Profiles

Miss CHENG, Runqing

Human Communication, Learning, and Development

Programme of Study: PhD

Field of Study: Connectivity between Music and Language; Language and Speech Processing

Research Topic: Effect of Listening to Music on Speech Production

Email Address:

Office: Room 730, Meng Wah Complex

About Me:
September 2020 - September 2021: University College London
Programme of Study: MSc Language Sciences (Neuroscience, Language & Communication)

September 2018 - June 2020: The University of Manchester
Programme of Study: BA Linguistics

September 2016 - July 2018: Beijing Language and Culture University
Programme of Study: Bachelor of Literature-English

Current Research:
Mandarin Tone Perception and Production

Primary Supervisor: Professor CHOI, William T M

Co-supervisor(s): Professor NG, Lawrence M

Research Outputs:
Choi, W., To, C. Y., & Cheng, R. (2023). The choice of musical instrument matters: Effect of pitched but not unpitched musicianship on tone identification and word learning. Applied Psycholinguistics.

