Research Student Profiles

Mr LAM, Man Ho Adrian
Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Programme of Study: PhD
Field of Study: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Email Address:
Primary Supervisor: Professor CARLESS, David
Co-supervisor(s): Professor CHAN, Carol K K and Professor NIEMINEN, Juuso Henrik
Research Outputs:
Tsao, J., Kochhar-Lindgren, G., & Lam, M. H. (2024). Institutionalising a transdisciplinary curriculum: assemblages, territories, and refrains. Higher Education, Online First.
Lam, M. H. (2024). Facilitating Knowledge Exchange, Knowledge Building, Research Competence, and Digital Literacy: Student-Led Wikipedia Group Project in an Undergraduate Class of Public Administration in Hong Kong. Journal of Political Science Education, Online First.
Lam, M. H. (2024). Exploring the future-ready graduate attributes across the undergraduate curricula from the eight publicly funded Hong Kong universities in the era of academic entrepreneurism. International Journal of Chinese Education, Online First.
Lam, M. H., & Hung, B. H. T. (2024). Comparative Analysis of the Undergraduate Political Science Research Methodology Course Syllabi among Hong Kong Universities. Journal of Political Science Education, Online First.
Chan, C. K. K., & Lam, M. H. (2023). Making Visible the Dynamicity Shaping the Curriculum and Learning Landscape in the New Normal (The Case of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region). In Trifonas, P.P., & Jagger, S.(Eds.), Handbook of Curriculum Theory and Research. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Switzerland AG: Springer, Cham.
Lam, M. H. (2023). Mapping the public and non-public interactions and partnerships across the versatile learning ecosystem in Hong Kong. Policy Futures in Education, Online First.
Lam, M. H. (2023). Making Sense of Interdisciplinary General Education Curriculum Design: Case Study of Common Core Curriculum at the University of Hong Kong. ECNU Review of Education, 6(3), 410-432.
Lam, M. H. (2023). Re-envisioning the learning landscape: equipping our students with uncertainty preparedness for the future world of crises. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 43(3), 692-705.
Lam, M. H. (2023). Unleashing Student Potentials through the Interdisciplinary Common Core Curriculum at University of Hong Kong. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 4(3), 3-9.
Lam, M. H. (2023). Navigating the policy borrowing process of general education among the eight publicly funded universities in Hong Kong. International Journal of Chinese Education, 12(1).
Lam, M. H. (2022). The Contextualization of Guidelines on Sex Education in Schools: Moving Toward a Comprehensive and Competent Sex Education in Hong Kong. Education Journal, 50(1), 187-215.
Lam, M. H. (2022). Shifting from the Hidden Shadow to the Bright Sunshine under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for the Education New Normal from Hong Kong’s Learning System. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 24(2), 88-110.
Lui, C. Y., & Lam, M. H. (2022). The Critical Engagement of Higher Education with Future Crises. Dewey Studies, 5(2), 345-362.
Lam, M. H., & Tam, C. H. (2022). Building Co-Curricular Learning Experiences: Lessons from a Student-Driven Experiential Learning Initiative Underpinned by a Student-Staff Collaborative Model. International Journal for Students as Partners, 6(2), 61-68.
Lam, M. H. (2022). Striking a Balance Among Major Curriculum Ideologies in General Education Curriculum Design and Planning Among Hong Kong Universities. International Journal of Educational Reform, Online First.