Research Student Profiles

Mr WAGER, Jeffrey Anton

Human Communication, Learning, and Development

Programme of Study: PhD

Field of Study: Language Processing in the Human Brain through Studying People with Aphasia - Implications Relating to Predictive Coding

Research Topic: Language Processing in the Human Brain through Studying People with Aphasia – Implications Relating to Predictive Coding

Email Address:

Office: Room 730, Meng Wah Complex

About Me:
I am a PhD student in the Human Communication, Development and Information Unit at the Faculty of Education in at the University of Hong Kong. I have previously worked for several years in the UK as a Speech and Language Therapist. I possess a Master's degree in Acquired Communication Disorders and a Bachelor's degree in Speech and Language Therapy from universities in the UK.

Current Research:
-Language Processing

Primary Supervisor: Professor KONG, Anthony P H

Co-supervisor(s): Professor OUYANG, Guang

