Research Student Profiles
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Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Computational Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and K-12 Teacher Education
Primary supervisor: Professor WONG, Gary K W
Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Developmental Dyslexia
Primary supervisor: Professor TONG, Xiuli
Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Educational Inequality
Primary supervisor: Professor TAN, Cheng Yong
Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Voice and Voice Disorders
Primary supervisor: Professor NG, Lawrence M
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Computational Thinking
Primary supervisor: Professor WONG, Gary K W
Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Intercultural Literacy; Social Media; Technology-Enhanced Autonomous Learning
Primary supervisor: Professor LAI, Chun
Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Self-financing Tertiary Education in Hong Kong
Primary supervisor: Professor JUNG, Jisun
Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Human Development
Primary supervisor: nil
Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Computer Assisted Language Learning
Primary supervisor: Professor LIN, Chin-hsi
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Policy, Administration and Social Sciences Education
Primary supervisor: Professor FUNG, Dennis C L