Research Student Profiles
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Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Higher Education
Primary supervisor: Professor JUNG, Jisun
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Teacher Professional Development
Primary supervisor: Professor CHEN, Gaowei

Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: MPhil
Field of study: Neuroscience for Education
Primary supervisor: Professor OUYANG, Guang

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Collaborative Learning; Learning Analysis
Primary supervisor: Professor FENG, Shihui

Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Cross-cultural Comparison in Higher Education
Primary supervisor: Professor YANG, Lili

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Teacher Education and Learning Leadership
Primary supervisor: Dr CHENG, Anthony K L

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Teacher Professional Learning
Primary supervisor: Professor LIANG, Biyao

Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Autism Spectrum Disorders
Primary supervisor: Professor TO, Carol K S

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Information Technology in Education / Use of Artificial Intelligence in Learning English among the Speakers of Other Languages
Primary supervisor: Dr TSE, Alex W C

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Technology-enhanced Learning
Primary supervisor: Professor HEW, Timothy K F