Research Student Profiles
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Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences
Primary supervisor: Professor CHEN, Jinsong

Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Aging Voice and Singing
Primary supervisor: Professor MA, Estella P M

Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: School Guidance and Counselling
Primary supervisor: Professor DATU, Jesus Alfonso Daep

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Mathematics Education
Primary supervisor: Professor LIANG, Biyao

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Learning and Instruction, Learning Sciences, Knowledge Building
Primary supervisor: Professor CHEN, Gaowei

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: e-Learning
Primary supervisor: Professor HEW, Timothy K F

Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Chinese Language and Literature
Primary supervisor: Professor LAI, Chun

Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Child Development and Education
Primary supervisor: Professor RAO, Nirmala
Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Teacher Education (e.g., Teachers' Job Crafting) and Professional Development
Primary supervisor: Professor LAI, Chun

Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Artificial Intelligence Education
Primary supervisor: Professor HU, Xiao