Research Student Profiles
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Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Voice Therapy
Primary supervisor: Professor MA, Estella P M
Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: The Effects of Music on Learning
Primary supervisor: Professor HU, Xiao
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: MPhil
Field of study: Media Studies
Primary supervisor: Professor FENG, Shihui
Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Teacher Education and Learning Leadership
Primary supervisor: Professor LOH, Elizabeth K Y
Language and Literacy Education
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Teacher Education and Learning Leadership
Primary supervisor: Professor LO, Yuen Yi
Division of Learning, Development and Diversity
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Learning, Development and Diversity
Primary supervisor: Professor CHAN, Carol K K
Social Contexts and Policies of Education
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Neuroscience for Education (NfE)
Primary supervisor: Professor POSTIGLIONE, Gerard
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: VR-based Learning in Mathematics
Primary supervisor: Dr LEE, Arthur M S
Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: EdD
Field of study: Mindfulness and Growth Mindset
Primary supervisor: Dr LEE, Queenie A Y
Human Communication, Learning, and Development
Programme of study: PhD
Field of study: Human Communication
Primary supervisor: Professor KONG, Anthony P H